
目录导航 [[:Category:中文]] Category:中文說明

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       'sysop': { link: 'Project:社区中心团队' },
       'content-moderator': { link: 'Project:PVT' },

/* The CPT project has been archived

       'cpt': { link: 'Project:中文预备志愿者小组', u:'CPT Member' },
       'cpt-consultant': { link: 'Project:中文预备志愿者小组', u:'CPT Consultant' },
       'cpt-clerk': { link: 'Project:中文预备志愿者小组', u:'CPT Clerk' }
  • /
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'Ffaarr': ['cpt', 'cpt-consultant'],

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// But again, we've got PVT-ZH! UserTagsJS.modules.custom = {

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/* Fix country names chosen by United Nations for the Special:Analytics page */ $(".analytics_table").each(function() {

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       .replace('中国',                                                  '中国大陆')
       .replace('中華人民共和國',                                         '中國大陸')
       .replace('Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',                          'Falkland Islands')
       .replace('Iran (Islamic Republic of)',                           'Iran')
       .replace('Korea (Democratic People\'s Republic of)',             'North Korea')
       .replace('Korea, Republic of',                                   'South Korea')
       .replace('Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',                    'Laos')
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       .replace('Syrian Arab Republic',                                 'Syria')
       .replace('Tanzania, United Republic of',                         'Tanzania')
       .replace('Taiwan, Province of China',                            'Taiwan')
       .replace('Taiwan, Province of Mainland China',                   'Taiwan')
       .replace('China',                                                'Mainland China')
       .replace('Mainland Mainland China',                              'Mainland China')
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